14 October 2009

A Glimpse Behind the Veil: Howard Slatkin's Park Avenue Aerie

Many thanks to reader Sacheverelle who alerted me to Wendy Goodman's profile of Howard Slatkin's own residence in New York magazine. This is a rare glimpse at the work of a designer whose clients are so private and exclusive, we can't even whisper their names.

Click here to see more jaw-dropping rooms.


P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

That living room is one amazing space. I have always loved it. Do you know what issue of HG the apartment was published in? I need to find it-Someone must know. Thanks for sharing.GT

Toby Worthington said...

I'm no minimalist, but isn't this rather too much of a good thing? The inlaid marquetry floors might have been smashing in a single room, but two or three rooms later, the eyes grow weary. My real gripe, however, is with any decoration that seems to be
over-customized. It's what Fowler and Company used to refer to as "boiled", with every nook and cranny done up to the nines. Much as one might marvel at the craftsmanship, it all adds up to something that inspires queasiness.

Emily Evans Eerdmans said...

Mr. Worthington, a case of the hairdresser with the fried hair because he can't stop trying things out on himself?

I happen to be enthralled by all the rooms, with the exception of the library. The Charlottenburg-inspired parquetry floor is incredible on its own, but the entire room is so richly patterned it makes me think of Versace by way of a Byzantine Church and not a place for contemplation and study. However, I bet it's the perfect place for a kir royale with a side of gossip.

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

I can see the argument for too much in too much-I think the Living room at 40 feet can stand a bit too much-it is the one room with the exception of the gilt that is Classic. The HG photographs are much softer- One thing I do remember was an incredible painted floral dressing table skirt-stiffened.The floors are something-I can only imagine the cries if I installed the floors wrong side up etc, etc. I would truly stop in my tracks- really retire & rest on that Laurel. GT

balsamfir said...

As with Tobey, it's too rich for my taste, but it's the most incredible before and after series I've seen in a long time. It is difficult to make rooms that ornate still seem have harmonious rather than cacophonous; I think he succeeds.

Terry said...

I want to sit at the little table for 3 next to the bookcase in the kitchen.

Women fragrances said...

Gorgeous interior! I like the candle holders.

Karena said...

Oh my absolutely fabulous!!

vicki archer said...

Jaw dropping is the word....xv