
19 December 2008

Kim Cattrall: 52 and Fabulous.

That woman is fearless.

Imagine my surprise as I'm thumbing through an issue of Country Life looking at the usual pretty pictures of ancestral houses, fox hunts, and gardens to see this:

This is seriously sassy stuff for CL, bastion of traditional English values.

The photograph has quite an interesting backstory. It is a recreation of Titian's masterpiece "Diana and Actaeon" by photographer Tom Hunter as part of a campaign to raise £50 million to purchase the original from the Duke of Sutherland for the National Gallery.

And it worked! On December 14, The Times announced that the campaign is on track to meet the deadline at the end of this month.


  1. Emily,

    I knew you would offer us a daily dose of intrigue. Perfect topic combining your interest in pop culture and fine art. And history too.

  2. I meant to write that you will intrigue us daily :)

  3. Ah, the intrigue of art history styled using today's femme fatales. This would make a wonderful series.

  4. I am so glad you launched your blog. It is fabulous! Very much looking forward to reading more and giggling at your wit...

  5. Courtney - I like your first meaning too - I love murder mysteries and suspense and am secretly (or not so secretly anymore) aching to write one! EEE

  6. Patricia - what a fun idea! And Soodie, thank you for your very kind words - I'm so glad you like the blog so far! EEE
