
30 December 2008

My Very Own Diller

I received an urgent call last week from dear friends Rush and Klaus asking me to drop by and pick up my Christmas present. As we don't normally exchange gifts, I was immediately suspicious. "It's not a Phyllis Diller painting, is it?" I asked, as one does. Oh no, they reassured me. I was secretly disappointed - but not for long as I would soon be face to face with a Diller original inscribed to me.

La Diller herself

I first heard about the Phyllis Diller Art Tour about a year ago. If you have the right connections in Los Angeles, you and a group of friends can be taken around La Diller's residence which is hung partout with her prodigious output. Apparently this is a passion for her and she is often up until the wee hours drawing and painting away.

Where the magic happens....

Thanks to photographer Kurt Benbenek who captured the tour on film, we can catch a glimmer into Diller's Giverny. Kurt and his lady's favorite room is the completely red kitchen of which - alas - there seems to be no picture.

Guests on the Art Tour usually cap off their visit with an ensemble photo with Ms. Diller and Mr. Hope.

The Wig Room

Kurt also commented on how there are decks of playing cards everywhere inside and out - which no doubt help keep her 91-year-old mind agile and spry. Click here to see more of the house tour.

To see more of Ms. Diller's work, click here.

Top photo by author; all others courtesy of Kurt Benbenek at the Houseplant Picture Studio.


  1. Oh, what joy! It looks fabulous on the bookcase.

  2. Thanks, Janet - the decorator Keith Irvine thinks it looks too non-committal to not hang one's pictures, but I'm afraid I'm out of wall space, and besides - I think it looks good too! EEE

  3. ****squeeeeeeeeeeeal*
    this is so cool!
