
23 December 2008

Too Many Cookies

This just came into my inbox and, as you can imagine, immediately grabbed my attention.

It was sent by my friends at the Merchant's House Museum, a New York City historical house very dear to my heart. When I first moved to New York years ago, it was by first volunteering and then working at the MHM that I began to find my footing in the city and form close friendships (I found my fiancé there as well!).

Chair Nick Nicholson writes: "Just as the bottom has dropped out of the market, so too has the ceiling in Seabury Tredwell’s study fallen in -- quite literally. But it’s not Santa’s fault. We traced the cause to water infiltration from damage to our roof (repaired in 2006), which weakened a large section of ceiling plaster.

"The cost to repair the ceiling is estimated to be $21,000. And because much of the remaining plaster is seriously compromised and in danger of falling, the study, where merchant Seabury Tredwell burned his midnight oil, must remain closed to visitors."

To make a year-end (fully tax deductible) year-end gift and help preserve this very unique New York landmark, please click here.


  1. What a brilliant piece of marketing. I have never been to the Merchant's awful is that? A new year's resolution for sure.

  2. Aren't they genius? Pi, the director, has the most marvelous sense of humor. EEE
