
26 February 2009

Your Own Private Karl

If you were in the tents during Fashion Week, you may have espied the great Kaiser Karl and thought to yourself, "My, he's taken his diet to an extreme." But fear not, it was the pocket-size Karl LagerFELT making the rounds, escorted by Project Runway alumnus Jack Mackenroth.

With my lovely editor Isabel Venero and designer and author of Tartan JeffreyBanks...

Only front row for Karl - natürlich...

Kit from PR gives Karl leather pants....

Two of my favorite men....

Click here for more of Karl Lagerfelt....


  1. Love it. I want a personal Karl to carry around in my purse. The only thing better would be if he also made pithy comments.

  2. Larisa, yes! AND a little fan to hold! EEE

  3. Emily -

    Stopped by from Habitually Chic's blog...I am a frustrated decorator/designer currently earning money in the law field working in Chicago...have been single "momming" it raising my son and daughter while living in the burbs of Chicago in an 1899 farmhouse.

    "Little Karl" is a hoot!!

    I will stop by again!

    new friend

  4. Aloha, Susan - so glad you stopped by! EEE

  5. I bet COCO is rolling over now.
    LOVE Karl. "Jonesin" for a CHANEL bag and a Lagerfelt.

  6. Hysterical. I nearly just choked on my latte.
