But what most swept me away was the beyond stunning wardrobe worn by woman-scorned Hélène (played by Maria Casares). Well, no wonder - Alix Grès and Schiaparelli were its creators, and their respective signatures of exquisite draping and wit are reason enough to see this classic.
17 June 2009
Film Couture: Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne
But what most swept me away was the beyond stunning wardrobe worn by woman-scorned Hélène (played by Maria Casares). Well, no wonder - Alix Grès and Schiaparelli were its creators, and their respective signatures of exquisite draping and wit are reason enough to see this classic.
Oh I hope its on Netflix. New film to me.
ReplyDeleteMaria Casares! I never quite got over the impact of her appearance in Cocteau's "Orphee'" when her role as the messenger of Death required Dior's New Look and platform pumps~all in black, of course. The film mentioned in this post is new to me as well~ the fashions, the script and the Castaing props would seem to be quite a combination.
ReplyDeletethis looks divine-I find it fascinating to watch and watch again. it is amazing the detail that each aspect of a movie works in perfect harmony as one- but that doesn't stop me from being completely overwhelmed by something like these costumes, I am fascinated by sets- As you obviously must be from your last book. Envious of your immersion into MC- I can't wait for that book. be sure to give us updates.la
ReplyDeletele sigh!
ReplyDelete"The plummeting V-neck shows a daring amount of décolleté and is even more exciting in combination with the full-coverage elsewhere." Didn't that used to be the recipe for sexy? How refreshing to see a sexy woman showing what she was endowed with versus all of this silicone being exposed in mind-boggling amounts. I wonder what will happen to these implanted women if they chose cremation? Snap! Crackle! Pop!
ReplyDeleteMr. Worthington, I am completely entranced by Maria Casares and am putting Orphee at the top of my Netflix queue. I came across a quote that mentioned how Casares' jolie laide looks were the perfect accompaniment to Schiaparelli's creations. I certainly find her much more interesting to look at then the current plastic, rubber-stamped beauty of today. Case in point - Jennifer Grey, better known as Baby in Dirty Dancing, who once she got a nose job, was just another pretty face.