
27 October 2009

Barbie has needs too...

David Levinthal
Barbie (Lingerie) 1997

I don't know about you, but I could use a little off-the-wall levity right now.

Which is why I'll be checking out Bad Barbie, an exhibition of David Levinthal's series of photographs, starring Ms. Blondie, her long-time beau Ken, and a breakout role for G.I. Joe. Click here to read more (parental advisory in effect) or visit:

John McWhinnie @ Glenn Horowitz Bookseller
50 1/2 East 64th Street
New York City
November 4th through December 5th


  1. Things are not improving. Step away from the credit card!

  2. I think the Barbie \ Ken \ GI Joe combo must be universal as that was the (utterly innocent) game I played wiht my dolls in the 1970s. Also makes Barbie a bit more adventurous to have a mercenery style boyfriend.

  3. This Barbie looks much like my first-without the red hair(though I would have adored it) and the scanty pantys. la

  4. Home - you wouldn't say that if you saw the sublime vintage Pauline Trigere that came to my door today!

    Besides hoping to see "Millicent Rogers Barbie," I should also note that I find Levinthal's work more than just amusing - it's also an intriguing approach to race, class, and gender issues...

  5. When the going gets tough, a little "bad" humor can go a long way. I miss my Barbie days. I would play for hours.

  6. I see your cavorting Barbies and I raise you one very naked, and extremely well endowed Nureyev on (In)Decorous Taste. The two comments have been very decorous obviously ignoring the 800 lb gorilla in the room. Brought to you by the smile police.

  7. Levinthal's Barbies are hilarious, if more than a little uncomfortable to look at. I think that's part of what makes them so interesting, though- its the racial and sexual undertones of something that's supposed to be harmless (a child's toy!), brought completely out into the open. It's an acknowledgment of the giant pink elephant, even if we don't like what we see.

    home before dark- It's funny you brought up the Nureyev comments (or lack thereof). I was also thinking about this!! It's on the same order as the Barbies- A large (ha) part of Nureyev's appeal is definitely sexual in nature, whether or not we're willing to admit it ("oh, NO, I love him because he's a great dancer..."). I thought it was a FANTASTIC portrait for that reason, and that's absolutely why I decided to include it- it captures something very basic.

    When the undertones are brought to the surface in a really in-your-face kind of way, people don't know how to react. And so, an 800-lb elephant is born! Same process, whether its the social implications of Barbie we're acknowledging or the reasons underlying our fascination with Nureyev.

  8. Thai made me smile as well Emily. Very fun to be a little naughty sometimes!
