
14 October 2009

Ebay Therapy

Have you ever noticed how much less money you spend when you're happiest? On the flip side, when everything's a muddle, do you too hit the plastic to bolster your mood?

After a particularly crazy week (isn't it funny how everything happens at once), I found myself escaping to the Aladdin's cave of Ebay. You know I had to have been trolling for hours to have come across this rose petal Schiaparelli hat from the'50s.

Its vibrant shocking pink and crimson reds snapped me right out of the doldrums. Maybe next time I hear Ebay's siren call, I'll just don this little piece of whimsy and Think Pink instead.

Thinking Pink in my favorite movie, Funny Face

After I stock up on some vintage Chanel bangles, that is.....


  1. Did you really get this? I'd love to see how it actually looks on, for some reason it brought to mind PeterPan and his leafy hat! Pure whimsy.

  2. C, I battled it out victoriously against two others.... The seller called it a fruit bowl hat, but I definitely think they're flower petals. I think I'll have to drink a little Champagne courage to wear it out of the house though....

  3. Even if it lives under a cloche on a stand it was worth every penny.

  4. I'm thinking this will look good on you. Rather a variation of the turban you donned for your mystery reveal. When I was recovering from a two wasp sting emergency room two types of predesone event this summer, someone should have taken my credit card away from me. My brain was on double time! Good thing I only bought books and more books! Hope this week is a better one.

  5. Oh, How wonderful. Do you have a collection of chapeau-is this the first? last? I have both my GranMa's hats worn at my parents weddings! Those were the days.

  6. Home, last week is already a distant memory - especially since the UPS man will be beating a path to my door everyday - the hat was but an appetizer to my ebay feast, I'm afraid....

    la, maybe you can help me. I was just given a sack of my grandmother's old hats - a few of which are worthy of The Women. Unfortunately, I don't know how to wear them as they need to be secured some how. Do I use bobby pins? Hat pins look so enormous and surely you don't pierce the hat with it?

  7. Its wonderful, and you should wear it. I'm totally guilty of ebay therapy myself.

  8. Very guilty of ebay therapy, as soon as I read that, I thought- SO TRUE.

    As for the hat, I am jealous!!! If only I had been indulging in ebay therapy myself, you may have had to battle against THREE others for it!

    I'm sure it will look marvelous on, especially with light hair. I hope you figure out how to secure it on your head, soon!

  9. EEE-yes I think indeed you must go with the hat pins- I think the ladies had more hair spray and bouffieness to their dos then. The hat wont feel a thing. I saved my GranMa's hats from the fire so to speak when I was about 17- Love them all-at times in early decorating I displayed them-now tucked away in boxes- though some have gone to a niece. The special thing about them is they are all mostly black, sophisticated, and very neat-telling me my G. knew what her style was & what hers was. G

  10. EEE - love love LOVE the hat. you'll look great in it during the holiday season. not sure how to wear either, as i've dragged a vintage leopard pillbox hat with me from closet to closet for years. one puff from the wind and your running down the street after it.

    btw, i can sympathize -- i had my ebay retail therapy during a bad week last week as well. sometimes your so stressed and tired late at night you forget what you've purchased. but it is always a treat when the package arrives. some really great vintage thick cashmere sweaters to be had.

  11. EEE ~ oh to have a good ole eBay therapy session! I am going to need one after these past few weeks. I am just hoping mine will be nearly as fabulous as yours. The cloche is divine.

    Soooo much to catch up on with you, btw. When I have the energy, I will write. xo
