
24 February 2010

Mirror, Chrome and Gin Fizz: EEE March 3 NYC Lecture

The mirrored entrance of the Strand Palace Hotel - doesn't it make you want to tap dance?

This Wednesday I am thrilled and honored to lecture for the Royal Oak Foundation, the American branch of Britain's National Trust. I personally couldn't think of a better cure for the winter doldrums than to revel in all things British Deco.

The sumptuous dining room of Eltham Palace

The American Bar, 1931

and of course the American Bar at the Savoy where you might order a White Lady, invented by the celebrated bartender Harry Craddock who "wrote" the first edition of the Savoy Cocktail Book in 1930.

Obviously not Harry, but who cares as he's ready for action

Harry's original White Lady recipe:
  • 1/2 Dry Gin.
  • 1/4 Cointreau
  • 1/4 Lemon juice.

Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

Wednesday, March 3, 6pm
Grolier Club
47 East 60th Street
$30 member/co-sponsor members
$40 general public
RSVP ONLINE: or call Robert Dennis, Program Assistant, at 212-480-2889, ext. 201.


  1. Emily, congratulations, hope to see more images!!

  2. i love a gilt ceiling with my cocktail! oh fantastic! *clink*

  3. Such gilty pleasures. A bit of fizz and absolutely no fluff. Do wish your lectures were taped so those of us stuck in the tundra could hear them. Maybe someday arts with have the equal of ESPN where you can buy what you want to watch. Just saying...where's a good entrepreneur when you need them?

  4. I wish I could be there for the lecture -but instead I'll be having that drink -it sounds delicious!

  5. I joined The Royal Oak Foundation five or six years ago, but this is the first time that they're featuring a lecturer who also happens to be a friend of mine, so I'll be there!

    That is, I'll be there, assuming that A) I can get my act together & B) the weather co-operates, which it looks like it's not going to do for my Plan A departure date of tomorrow. But that's why pencils have erasers, so we can change our schedules. I guess.

    At any rate, I've already got my ticket for Emily's talk. So who else is coming?

  6. Hercule Poirot! My main reason for watching--all the great British Deco locations. Such fun. Love these images. You need to do podcasts and slide shows so the folks at home can play along. :)

  7. How wonderful. I wish I could be there to hear you.
    Will you be mentioning Whitehaven Mansions?

  8. Funny how tastes change. I am a devotee of art deco now but as a child I loathed it. I was thoroughly depressed when my parents took us to stay at the Strand Palace in the 1960s (and it was supposed to be a treat). I was similarly underwhelmed when at about the same age, we were taken for a tour around the old Queen Mary liner. Hard to believe now.
