
27 May 2010

The Blooms of May and Madeleine

As the MC book is in the final editing stages, the bloom is slowly returning to my cheeks. In this world of instant gratification, thank you for your patience and for returning to a dark house over the past several weeks.

EEE is back home -BUT only for a few days as I'll be tripping down South to check out Sotheby's spectacular Kluge sale in person with a full report.

P.S. The cover and book design were done by Sam Shahid who also did the Valentina and Jeremiah Goodman books. I think he and his team did a superb job at capturing her romantic and evocative essence.


  1. It looks wonderful. Would wait, however impatiently, indefinitely.

  2. Looking forward to this long awaited book. The cover looks fantastic.

  3. So so glad you all are still there - and thrilled you like the cover. I'm sure you recognized it as the Winter Bedroom at Leves (as we all have summer and winter bedrooms...)

  4. Striking cover, I can't wait to see and read whats inside! Any word on a release date?

  5. Can't wait to add the latest EEE book to my collection!

  6. I'm looking forward to this book.

    Welcome back, by the way. I was discussing your absence with another blogger, also an author, over dinner last night and she suggested that with a looming deadline all things not germane are jettisoned - I sort of assumed that was the case. Again, welcome back. You've been missed.

  7. My Dear Madame,

    So glad you have been released from your editorial reclaimer. I love to think of you as LA put forward yesterday in you Castaing blue and leopard stilettos lecturing on this book we all have so looked forward to being brought into this world and into our hands.

    Your perhaps oldest fan,
    Home Before Dark

  8. Very exciting indeed, can't wait!!
    I wondered what you were up to!

    Art by Karena

  9. Emily,I like the intimacy of the photograph on the cover,it suits the title beautifully. I just looked thru the Kluge sale a little bit tonight-await your report. Welcome home. xo, Gaye

  10. 19 October? I'll mark my calendar.
    And if you really do mean it about an edition in
    French I can think of a few smart French women of
    my acquaintance who'll be delighted.

  11. Mr. Worthington, I like how you think in multiples... EEE

  12. Home, You're one of the reasons I put the lights back on.

    Blue, there have been tremendous losses in the blogosphere recently what with Decorno and Aesthete retiring. Perhaps after a short sabbatical, they'll come back too... EEE

  13. You're always worth waiting for Emiy! And now we must be patient for the arrival of this glorious looking book. The cover is gorgeous.. And thanks for the out-takes in your next post. Slavering already!

  14. Pretty wonderful news. Am so waiting for a copy to makes it way into my hot little hands. I remember standing in that bedroom on the cover, just before the auction, and being staggered by the fabrics, et cetera, and the romantic decrepitude.

  15. Aesthete, there you go again - "romantic decrepitude" - an amazingly elegant and evocative phrase which you so easily toss off... your hands are one of the pairs I most anxious about - I do hope you like it... EEE
