
27 July 2010

Life after Castaing: Chez Harry Heissmann

Harry Heissmann's living room, featuring a pair of Castaing brackets, photo by Russell Gera
Madeleine Castaing didn't buy Important or Fine French Furniture, but rather what charmed her.  This pair of brackets in the form of tree branches captured her fancy and found a home at her fairy-tale Leves.  Years later when her estate was sold off, they also captured dashing designer Harry Heissmann's and here they are in installed today in his Brooklyn Heights flat. (That he lives in the most fabulous neighborhood in the city is enough evidence of his excellent taste to my mind; Harry also spent years working for the master of the refined, Albert Hadley.)

another view, photo by Russell Gera
Madeleine's quirky side would no doubt have found his snail table very amusing. 

As installed by Madeleine in the dining room of Leves - do you think the plant is plastic? I do.

Many thanks to Harry for giving us a glimpse into his personal world.  And another big thank you to Habitually Chic for including MC and EEE in her Fall Book Brigade.


  1. What a wonderful post! I am personally, CRAZY for those brackets! They are really wonderful. Thanks for the post!

  2. Love what he did with the brackets, it doesn't have to be clutched in gilt to be reverenced. Yes, the fern had to be tossed up-without the help of a little footstool(it would have helped) Ran in to a Castaing room last eve in an old Maison Jardin book-can not wait to see if it was an out take or an innie. Gaye

  3. Always love a room with a sense of humor. Just think what MC could have done with TD's favorite material: resin!

  4. What a wonderful combination, presented with such freshness! I love it. And the snail.

  5. Love the third image - the Drapes really adds a clever color scheme to the space, reflecting the fabulousness. This colour combination is so also the snail table on the first photo,the room as well.FAb!great blog.thanks

  6. The snail is fantastic, and I love the wallpaper which continues onto the ceiling...horrible to hang though!

  7. The fern in the dining room was definitely plastic! As were all the plants in Lèves when I was there. As Castaing told someone, she liked plastic plants because they didn't depress her by wilting and dying.

  8. Great post! Loved seeing Harry's place. We are lucky enough to work with him some and it is a true pleasure working with someone with taste and a clear vision for their projects. Now I have to hunt for more images of Leves... Thank you!

  9. Wow. Those brackets are really cool!

  10. Emily,

    Wonderful images, love the brackets and Harry's taste!

    Come and enter my Latest Giveaway!!

    Art by Karena

  11. FANTASTIC POST . Congratulations for your new book. Castaing is an inspiring woman above all when you are antiques dealer and you have a show room ... like me .
