
30 October 2014

First Act: All the World's a Stage...

The 2014–15 Decorators Club Education Fund Lecture Series is a celebration of the ephemeral.  Whether on stage or film, at a party, or in the dining room, some of the most inspiring, joyful, fascinating, and unforgettable design moments are fleeting and doomed to disappear.  The series features four major design talents of the 20th century who created many such moments.

The premiere lecture is this Wednesday, November 5,  and features the legendary Tiffany & Co. Design Director Emeritus John Loring speaking on Joseph Urban.

Perhaps you've never heard of Urban, one of the Metropolitan Opera's first scenic designers and William Randolph Hearst's preferred architect (among many other things).  This is precisely what the series is all about and why you need to come.  I hope to see you there!

Tickets available here.


  1. The castle where I worked in Wales was owned by Hearst in the early 1900's. I wonder if Urban had any input.

  2. Bonne idée...Malheureusement, je suis en France actuellement.
